Training in ornithological tourism in islands
The project Improving professionals training in Ornithological tourism, in islands of Southern Europe (BIRDTOURISE. 2016-1-ES01-KA204-025653) proposes the development of training materials that enhance the capabilities of adults (tourism professionals) in Archipelagos and Islands of Southern Europe (Mediterranean and Macaronesian) to provide guidance for their products to a nature tourism and ornithological responsible, respectful and sustainable, such as mark European policies and the recommendations of the WTO. Besides its products help to improve the training of young and disadvantaged people who are evaluating tourism as one of their professional careers.
The project is funded by the Erasmus + program and aims to improve the quality and enhance Adult Education throughout Europe (www.sepie.es). Through the Strategic Partnerships, it supports the exchange of good practices and innovation criteria to address common challenges, such as the recognition of training taken outside the official system, making education more accessible to adults and enriching the training of European citizens.