The project’s main objective is to develop a series of training materials for VET students of Navigation and Fisheries, and for fishing professionals, to enhance their training according to European fisheries (and environmental) policy, and promote responsible and sustainable fisheries in the Mediterranean.
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 |
Self-assessment questions. Chapter 1 |
Self-assessment questions. Chapter 2 |
Self-assessment questions. Chapter 3 |
Kahoot Chapter 1 |
Kahoot Chapter 2 |
Kahoot Chapter 3 |
The project has developed an on-line training course to reduce interactions with seabirds in Mediterranean fisheries (produced with the participation of all partners in the various phases of the project). The course Sustainable fisheries in the Mediterranean; Seabirds point of view is the main training product of the project and the contents will be implemented by incorporating them into training courses and VET professionals organized by the ECNPC and taught by SEO/BirdLife.
In France, a collaboration with the Lycée Maritime de Sète for the adaptation of this course to the French particularities took place and will allow to propose a course in French to National Maritime High Schools.
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