
The LIFE Coop Cortaderia project is possible thanks to the participation of the following partners:


The Environmental Employment Support Society (SAEMA), an entity dedicated to the labor inclusion of people with disabilities, was created on January 1, 2007 with the legal form of a Special Employment Center, carrying out most of the activities since then. of environmental employment linked to the Amica Association. SAEMA is the coordinator of the LIFE Coop Cortaderia project.


AMPROS is a Cantabrian association whose mission is to contribute to improving the quality of life of each person with intellectual or developmental disabilities and their family. Among the different lines of work it develops, it is firmly committed to the concept of “green employment”, that is, it works actively and committed in the field of the environment.


SERCA is a Special Employment Center that was created to provide job opportunities to groups with functional diversity, through training, adaptation of jobs, support and advice, as well as to raise social awareness. In addition, SERCA also works to achieve integration and create opportunities for people with functional diversity.

Câmara Municipal de Vila Nova de Gaia

Vila Nova de Gaia is the third most populated municipality in Portugal. The City Council is the local administration of the area and has a long tradition in environmental policies. In particular, the Gaia Biological Park (PBG), managed by the Department of Environment and Urban Parks of the Municipality of Gaia, is a permanent center of Environmental Education (the oldest in Portugal), responsible for management, conservation and exploration educational of the agroforestry area, with around 35 hectares.

Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra

The IPC has 6 Schools, including the Escola Superior Agrária de Coimbra (ESAC), with more than 10,000 students and more than 750 teachers; More than 65% of the staff are doctors. Its researchers participate in more than 50 national and European projects (including Erasmus+, H2020, INTERREG, LIFE) and provide specialized technical and scientific services to companies and other entities. ESAC’s research areas include forestry, agriculture and the environment.

Sociedad Española de Ornitología

The Spanish Society of Ornithology (SEO/BirdLife) is a scientific and conservation association founded in 1954, dedicated to the study and conservation of birds, their habitats and nature in general. It is, therefore, the dean of nature conservation NGOs in Spain, with more than 50 years of uninterrupted activity. It is declared of Public Utility and has received, among many others, the National Environment Award (1994) and the BBVA Award for biodiversity conservation (2004).

Asociación de Profesionales Ambientales Galicia Ambiental

Galicia Environmental (AGA) is a non-profit entity; a regional association that develops its projects in Galicia (and supporting interterritorial cooperation projects with the bordering communities of Galicia and Portugal). Created as a meeting point and defense of interests of professionals in the environmental sector. It develops education, awareness and actions to denounce environmental problems. Its main lines of action are reforestation and the control of invasive exotic species.

Gipuzkoako Foro Aldundia

The Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa (Gipuzkoako Foro Aldundia) holds the legal representation of the Historical Territory of Gipuzkoa, and in the sphere of its specific powers derived from its nature as a historical territory of the Basque Country, by virtue of its Statute of Autonomy, assumes its government and administration, corresponding to executive and administrative functions, regulatory power and regulatory initiative.

CEN Nouvelle-Aquitaine

Since 1992, CEN Nouvelle-Aquitaine has contributed to preserving the natural spaces and exceptional landscapes of the region. ElCEN works to preserve and manage natural areas and landscapes throughout the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region. It intervenes in various environments (moors, wetlands, calcareous meadows, etc.) and participates in numerous environmental policies and regulatory measures (Natura 2000, Territorial Contracts for Aquatic Environments, compensatory measures, etc.).

Fundación Instituto de Investigación Marqués de Valdecilla (IDIVAL)

IDIVAL is the Health Research Institute of Cantabria. It was created as a place for biomedical research and knowledge generation, as a result of the relationship that has been maintained over the years between the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital (HUMV) and the University of Cantabria (UC). The close collaboration between IDIVAL, UC, HUMV and the Health System is allowing IDIVAL to promote basic-clinical collaborations and research activity specifically aimed at generating new knowledge that helps solve medical problems.

Consejería de Medio Rural y Cohesión Territorial del Principado de Asturias (CPA)

The Ministry of Rural Environment and Territorial Cohesion is the highest body of the Administration of the Principality of Asturias that is responsible for the proposal and execution of the Government’s policy on natural, agricultural, forestry, livestock and fishing resources, agri-food industry and rural development, as well as road and port infrastructures, transport, connectivity and mobility, territorial planning and urban planning.