The LIFE COOP Cortaderia project is structured into 5 action areas (Work Package – WP), which bring together a total of 15 types of actions


T.1.1. Project Management

This task will guarantee an agile and efficient execution of the project, both technically, administratively and financially, in accordance with the timetable and planning. This action is the responsibility of SAEMA as project coordinator

T.2.1. Determination and quantification of the impact of Cortaderia selloana on human health.

The enormous importance of the spread of this species in urban areas forces us to determine the extent of the incidence of allergies in the population. This is necessary, on the one hand, to quantify this new environmental health risk in the European population and, on the other hand, to guide public decision-makers on the need to combat the spread of Cortaderia selloana in urban areas.

T.2.2 Technical recommendations to modify technical instructions and public policies for the management of Cortaderia selloana.

The legal framework that provides solidity, stability and the possibility of solid progress and advances in the fight against Cortaderia selloana is a key aspect. In order to ensure that practices that may have an impact on the voluntary or incidental spread of the duster are abandoned, it is necessary to generate technical instructions and even adopt sanctioning regulations at the different administrative levels. In drawing up the recommendations, account will be taken of the legislation in force in each country (Portugal, Spain or France).

T.2.3 Technical recommendations to modify certifications and environmental quality standards in the management of Cortaderia selloana.

There are many private companies and public bodies committed to sustainability and the environmental impact of their business or work activities, for example through certain certifications. We believe that the commitment to reduce the impact of their activity should include the responsibility to prevent the spread of IAS into the environment.

T.3.1 Control and elimination of Cortaderia in the coastal Natura 2000 Network and its area of influence.

The coastal Natura 2000 Network is the element of the territory of greatest environmental interest with the highest degree of threat due to the presence of Cortaderia in the Atlantic Arc, given its ecological value. The aim is to eradicate the duster specimens present in the coastal Natura 2000 Network, as well as in a buffer zone in its surroundings. An inventory of the presence and distribution of Cortaderia in the buffer zones will be carried out, and the capacity of the populations to affect the most sensitive habitats in the coastal areas will be assessed, prioritising the areas of action in order to protect and prevent the entry of seeds into the interior of the areas.

T.3.2 Control and elimination of Cortaderia in river corridors.

Rivers and their banks are key elements for biodiversity, playing a key role as corridors, refuges and refuges for much of this biodiversity. They are currently considered one of the ecosystems most vulnerable to biological invasions. As this species frequently occupies riparian zones, riverbanks and wetlands, which are areas of high ecological value, it is a priority that it be eliminated in these natural areas close to watercourses.

T.3.3. Reduction of Cortaderia expansion and confinement area in each territory.

In each region of the Atlantic Arc, the invasion of Cortaderia has different characteristics depending on its territorial management, history of invasion and relief. A specific approach to the containment of the most dense populations, adapted to each region, will be taken.

T.3.4. Control and elimination of Cortaderia in electrical infrastructures.

High and medium voltage power lines are important dispersal pathways, which linearly penetrate undeveloped natural habitats, some of which are of great interest. The aim of this action is to control the dispersion of Cortaderia caused by these infrastructures, improving the environmental status of the land affected by them. the environmental status of the land affected by them.

T.4.1 Communication and dissemination.

Awareness of environmental problems is a fundamental tool for raising awareness and launching initiatives to address the different environmental challenges facing humanity and the planet, including the increasing number of biological invasions in recent decades. This action proposes a series of activities aimed at reaching the general public using physical and virtual dissemination channels, such as traditional media, social networks, digital information bulletins or physical advertising media, such as MUPIs and notice boards.

T.4.2 Coordination and dynamization of the transnational alliance against Cortaderia.

The entities adhering to the Strategy form the Transnational Alliance for the fight against the pampas duster. The Transnational Strategy to combat the pampas duster, drafted in the LIFE Stop Cortaderia, has proved to be a very interesting and useful instrument. The aim of this action is to take advantage of all this wealth of knowledge, contacts and common interests activated by very different agents from different sectors in order to strengthen it in the medium and long term. This includes, among other actions, the creation of the Alliance’s Technical Coordination Office.

T.4.3. Citizen Participation.

One of the most successful ways of raising environmental awareness and encouraging behavioural and attitudinal changes on the part of citizens is by actively involving the public. Citizen participation will be encouraged through the organisation of different events, voluntary actions and the citizen science platform Alerta Cortaderia.

T4.4. Transfer of Knowledge.

It is necessary to transfer knowledge to other biogeographical regions that suffer, in some cases still incipiently, the threat derived from the presence of Cortaderia selloana. To this end, 8 technical seminars will be held, 1 pilot action in the Ebro Delta, as well as the updating of the Transnational Strategy for the Control of Cortaderia and the Handbook of Good Practices for the Control of Cortaderia.

T.5.1. Monitoring of conservation actions.

Periodic monitoring of the implementation of conservation actions in the field is essential to assess the effectiveness of the actions.

T5.2. Monitoring of transfer and awareness actions.

Monitoring the effectiveness of such actions allows modifications to be made in order to improve the scope and impact of the actions.

T.5.3 Establishment and monitoring of KPI indicators.

It allows working on a set of homogeneous indicators to establish comparative criteria at European level, reinforcing the main objectives of the LIFE initiative, e.g. replicability.